we didn't have a dvd player.
i had gone snowboarding a few times.
enjoyed it.
in a desperate attempt to reconcile,
monty bought me an xbox (when they first came out) and all the stuff i'd need to watch dvd's. (i think you needed some special remote kit thingy).
he bought matching snowboards (surprised me with this after he went to some snow show convention type thing).
and a platinum /diamond ring.
the ring was cute,
but it was from him.
so i wouldn't wear it.
he made the mistake of giving it all to me....
i didn't return it at the time.
hell no.
i wanted a dvd player.
i had the paperwork to return the ring for $$.
and i could sell the snowboard.
i didn't want matching snowboards with HIM!!!!
(truth be told,
i did offer to give it all back to him.
but he didn't want any of it back.)
i remember we had made a trip to costco while the wounds were still fresh.
for whatever reason, he wanted to tag along....
perhaps, it's because he wanted to pay the $300 shopping tab....
my trunk was full....
i dropped him back off at his apartment,
and carried a few things of his inside, when his phone rang....
i could hear the girl on the other end....
"come outside," she said.
blood began to boil.
i knew it was frank's girlfriend again.
why the HELL is she calling? (i thought to myself)....
i looked at him.
he clearly didn't know what to do....
she said, "she's here isn't she? i see her car. come to the back alley now."
he said, "no. i'm not coming out."
i yell in the background, "BUT I AM!"
and headed for the alley.
i'm ready to throw down in the freakin back alley.
i'm ready to pound her face in, in front of him.
i'm ready to pop my trunk and be like, "ooooh, look what he just bought me!"
(i told you i was stupid!!!!)
again, it was about being the "Better one".... the "one he would choose over anyone else...."
(probably because i felt like my dad chose his wife over us.... like SHE was better than MEEE.... now for ONCE, iiiiii would be better than anyone else.... IIII would be the chosen one..... whatever. it's all retarded and hindsight's 20/20, right?)
anyway, i go out to the back (oh, by the way, there are 2 dozen red roses in my car that he had purchased from costco for me too...)
i walk out there and sure enough she's parked over by my car with 2 other girls in her car with her.
she rolls her window down, and all of a sudden, TODAY, she's feeling a lot braver than the last time we'd had an encounter with each other....
i remember her saying to monty, "i thought you weren't seeing her anymore?"
monty just stands there kinda dumbfounded, not having any idea as to what he should say....
i look at monty, with the meanest most intimidating look i have, and say, "oh really? we're not seeing each other anymore? is that why you just bought all of this?" *pushes keyless entry trunk popper opener thing and the trunk pops open* smoooooootttttth move, right? lol. yeah, pretty stupid looking back, but whatever. it worked out great at the time.... the xbox was right on top.... well the roses were on top of the xbox and my trunk was FILLED with crap (well the groceries were on top of all the other crap that was already in my car, so it made it look like he had likely spent thousands of dollars in purchases for me. ha!)
i'm beyond pissed at this point, and wanted to kick the shit out of her.... her car AND her.... but as angry as i was, i still feared the law more.... so i said something like, "you sure are acting a whole lot tougher now that you brought your back up with you. why don't you step out of the car and f****n do something.... that's what you came for, right?" *slight pause, nothing happens*
"get the f*** out of your car B***H!!!!"
*still nothing*
no one said anything.
not even the other girls she had with her....
monty's asking me to "please stop ashley, it's not worth it."
finally frank's gf says, "oh yeah? really? are you CHOOSING her? huh? are you?"
he looks at her, and looks at me and nods.... she waits for a moment, almost not believing what had just happened....
then looks back up at me and says, "ohhh, and by the way. you wonder if we've been sleeping together? we have...." and away she drives....
i'm FURIOUS at this point....
yeah, sure he just "chose" me over HER, but none of that needed to take place.
i took the roses out of the car and threw them at him.... i got in my car to leave, and again, he jumped in between my door and car, so that i couldn't shut it....
i gave him a few short seconds to move.... he wouldn't, so i just started driving up the alley, yelling at him to get off my car... MIND YOU, he's HOLDING THE 2 DOZEN ROSES IN ONE HAND trying to put them in my car while trying to shut off my car at the same time!!!!
someone hears me screaming at him and calls the police.... they were there within seconds.... they pulled in the alley, facing me head on....
lights shining right at me to the point that i couldn't see anything in front of me.
all i could hear were their voices over the loud speaker telling monty to step away from my vehicle with his hands up and behind his head....
"walk backwards towards me," the loud voice said....
he's walking backwards, now crying.....
they take him and slam him against the hood of their car and check all of him over.
in his right pocket, they find a folding knife....
they put him in handcuffs and in the back of their car.
for whatever reason, i called his mom (after i called mine).
both of our moms come.... he DOESN'T go to jail.
i am hysterical and end up being driven home.....
i'm pretty certain we still talked after that....
but i was done.
checked out.
moved on.
in love?
insecure.... beyond belief....
(jenni, did i leave something out?) lol.
Wow, missus, I think you've lived through enough drama for a whole crowd of people! :)
The image of him hanging out of your car with roses in his hand while trying to turn the ignition is pretty funny though. :D
Yup, that was basically it. It's better listening/watching you tell this story, you would get all rawled up and start to get pissed off all over again and start to shake!
We got to keep the xbox and ALL the stuff from Costco! It was great to have you come home with all of that stuff and a great story to go with it! NEVER a dull moment with you.
@Brandi, yes, there was quite a bit of drama. but you really do learn from it.... i mean REALLY!!!! oh yeah, him hanging out the car trying to reach in and shut off my car with a few dozen roses was hilarious.... the image of the roses all de-petaled (<--- it will be a word one day), in the alley is still rather funny, in a sick sort of way.... poor roses. it wasn't their fault. oh how i would NEVER, EVER go back to this lifestyle again.... never ever ever....
@Jenni.... maybe these should be video blogs instead of written blogs? lol. although, i'm so far disconnected from the feelings that i'm not entirely sure they would be as good as they used to, HOWEVER, the target story and "neh" will never get old. =) remember when i farted on accident and then started laughing so hard i kept farting? oh that was sooo embarrassing.... in my own defense, i didn't feel well.... hahhahahah...
Great story!
Isn't he the genius who stole his mothers new mustang GT while she was out of town, and got a ticket for doing over 100mph on a regular street?
"Neh" will NEVER get old!! I think that was our funniest moment together BY FAR! Nine years later I still can't get through that story without dying laughing! If any of your stories are a video blog it would have to be the "Neh" story! Then again, we might be the only ones that think it's funny, certainly no one at Target thought it was funny when it happened! LOL!
this totally is the geek, i mean genius....
hey, where's the rest of the comment? lol.
Too bad we can't have that hindsight, in the heat of the moment.
yes!!!! hindsight in the heat of the moment would be phenomenal!!! instead, we look back and CHOOSE to never relive our stupidity (at some point in our lives.... hopefully!) haha.
AHHHHH YES, I remember this story and coming to pick you up that night!!! Another one of my lovely daughters making a scene!!! OH, how I hated their father for leaving them, physically and emotionally, to the point that they re-enacted their lack of love and attention out on their boyfriends!!!
we had poor choice in boys....
glad poppa was around to show us we deserved better.... although my dysfunctions run pretty deep. it took me a while to realize that.
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